Does Your Leadership Require A Vacation?

Summer is more than half over. By now, many of us have already planned or even taken vacations. Surprisingly however, a new survey from Censuswide on behalf of LinkedIn found that more than 50% of U.S. working adults didn’t use all of their vacation days last year. When they do vacation, 70% say that they […]
Leadership Independence: From What Will You Free Yourself?

It’s almost the 4th of July. The holiday when Americans celebrate the birth of our nation as a free, self-governing country. The holiday got me thinking about whether or not we act as if we are truly free. Here are 10 questions to ask yourself about how free you truly feel Do you take time […]
Are Your Leadership Blind Spots In the Way of Your Future?

Before entering the field of professional coaching, I was searching for the next step in my professional career. I scheduled conversations with friends and colleagues to discuss my interests, while soliciting suggestions. Thankfully, a friend recommended I read the book Presence, by Peter Sengue of M.I.T. I read the book, and upon finishing confidently declared: […]
Are You Leading Your Time or is it Leading You?

I’ve had an incredibly hectic last three months. I feel fortunate to have had personal and business trips that were immensely satisfying. However I noticed that by the end, what seemed like fun initially was truly too much of a good thing. I noticed that the disciplined habits that worked for me had fallen by […]
Does Your Leadership Story Need a Re-Write? Part II

Last week we looked at the ways in which leaders can develop self-awareness around their personal story. Inspired by Rosamund Stone Zander’s Pathways to Possibility, Leading Blog summarized ways in which we can shift to an adult story—one that is empowering towards who we are now. “When we are operating from the adult narrative: We […]