Do Less and Be More Effective: Prepare Differently

A lot is being written today about how to get, achieve and have more with less effort. I admit to being a skeptic about much of it. After all, aren’t we a culture that rewards effort, hard work, and persistence? I have come to appreciate that although preparation, hard work and effort are often associated […]
Your First Leadership Relationship—It’s With Yourself

First establish the connection within self –this is leadership’s first relationship. All successful interactions depend upon successful communication.
Why Leaders Need Ambiguity

Ambiguity and order are tensions to be managed. There is a time and a place for both. Generally speaking, order reproduces—ambiguity creates.
Attention Leaders! Just Recalling Power Creates Powerful Impact

Hundreds of studies have shown that simply recalling a time in which one had power produces the same effects as having power.
Is Your Leadership In Alignment for 2014?

When your inner leadership is out of alignment, you experience discomfort. The pain shows up as diminished trust and a lack of enthusiasm and effectiveness.