Does Your Leadership Practice Include Speaking Horse?

This week our Step Up Leader Tips and Tools features Alana Muller. Alana is Founder of Coffee Lunch Coffee: A Practical Field Guide for Master Networking and a companion blog, Her accessible, relevant, immediately actionable approach to professional networking for those interested in connecting with others, getting involved in their community, seeking to advance […]
Having doubts as a leader?

I work with leaders who often have big dreams—visionary individuals who, when they begin to work, find their ideas are often outside the mainstream of the marketplace. These individuals possess a rare combination of abilities; high degrees of creativity, tempered with equally high analytic horsepower. I am constantly amazed to watch as they go back […]
What Five Hours Can Mean to Your Leadership Success

This week’s Step Up Leader Tips borrows from a recent article in Inc. magazine. I work with successful, high-performing leaders who never seem to feel they have enough time. We are always looking for ways to reduce or eliminate things that weigh on their time and energy. However, we also have learned that certain things, […]
Resilience Revisited: Recharge or Relapse

Shawn Achor writes in the Harvard Business Review that resilience requires more than resting. It requires recovery. What’s the difference? “So how do we recover and build resilience? Most people assume that if you stop doing a task like answering emails or writing a paper, that your brain will naturally recover, such that when you […]
Are You Allowing for a Recovery Period?

I see it all the time with clients. I’ve done it myself. Push and push and push some more. That’s what we’re supposed to do to “get things done.” Work during the day; work at night and on the weekends. Why some of us even work throughout our vacations because we “have to.” But where […]