Can Yoga Make You A More Effective Leader?

Yoga helps deepen your awareness of sensations in your body; once you become attuned to your body’s natural language, you learn how it speaks to you. What you practice on the mat in yoga can translate to what happens off the mat at work.

Are You Practicing Response-able Leadership?

What if responsibility were defined as the ability to respond freely? Response-ability: the ability to choose without reactivity? A leader who is constantly in reaction loses the ability to choose. How does that impact your communication, relationships, and effectiveness?

Is Your Leadership Living in Joy?

How many of us feel our joy comes from things outside of us? Many of us see joy as the result of being able to do work that we love. We like the people and the company; we love our work. We have issues with the people and the company, and joy flows less freely. Don’t get me wrong; the right environment can help produce joy on the job.