Employee Engagement Crisis: What Leaders Can Do Right Now

This week I was privileged to assist a leadership team of a start-up company in an off-site. These folks work all over the country, and rarely have opportunities to engage with one another in the same room. I enjoy these days immensely, mainly because facilitating a team of high-powered individuals is both challenging and rewarding. […]
Why Leadership Training Fails: A Two-Part Exploration

It’s almost November-often a time when companies focus on budgeting for the next fiscal year. What about training and development? As a consultant and coach, I often hear: “We’ve spent lots of money on training, and after it’s done, nothing has changed.” If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone. In the October 2016 issue of […]
Are you a Vision Buster?

The new movie “Ghost Busters” appeared recently in theaters as a remake of the popular 1989 film, only this time with an all-female cast. The theme of being a “buster” of something got me thinking about what I do as an executive coach working with leaders and their teams. I get to hear a lot […]
A Healthy Culture Begins With You

I recently heard a talk on “Health Cells and Healthy Cultures” by Judith Glaser, author, executive coach and organizational anthropologist. Judith’s core message is that cultures are determined by relationships and relationships come from conversations. Therefore, having healthy conversations can literally change the DNA of an organizational culture. I couldn’t agree more. I appreciate her […]
How Recruiting Fails: Leadership Learning

This week’s Step Up Leader Tips focuses on a key leadership competency: recruiting talent. During my past life as a vice president of a retained executive search firm, I learned how much opportunity there is to educate companies for a more successful recruiting experience. Large organizations have HR departments and often employ internal recruiters or […]