Did you Lead and Live in Awe During 2023?
If so, chances are you are reflecting back on the year and feeling pretty darned happy. Chances are also that you were happy a lot of the time, in spite of setbacks and goals that you may not have reached. It’s easy to beat ourselves up at the end of the year thinking about all […]
Resilient Leadership: 5 Ways to Inoculate Yourself Against Spreading Stress
“May you live in interesting times” is a quote that has never felt more relevant than right now. While some people feel more peaceful and settled as the frenetic pace of their movement is slowed, others report that they stress as never before. It is possible to inoculate ourselves against the impact of stress. In a 2015 […]
How Well Do You Manage Your Emotional Reactions at Work?
“Why Your Emotions Can Make or Break You as a Leader and What You Can Do About It.” Because emotional reactions at work are so common and so many struggle to interpret, control, and dance around the emotional wildfires, I thought this to be an appropriate blog topic for this week. Automatic, negative responses to […]
What are Your Loudest Leadership Voices?
One question that comes up a lot for my client leaders in mid-life is “what I’ve been doing isn’t working for me any longer, yet I don’t know what or how to change.” The awareness this question brings creates an opening for inquiry—for the individual leader to begin a process of self-reflection. This reflection, if […]
The Yoga of Leadership: Beyond Postures to Presence
In the last few years there has been an increase in research and attention around neuroplasticity. This includes our ability to change the way our brains process and perform, not just in our youth, but throughout our lives. Turns out this has a lot to do with leadership—for the young and the not so young. […]