Being in order to Become: A New Year’s Invitation

Welcome to 2018! I’ve observed that the way we enter the year can have a strong impact on how the year unfolds. This year I offered all my clients a New Year’s gift on our initial calls these past few weeks. I asked them to become intentional as they envision the year ahead. We can’t […]
How Artful is Your Leadership?

This last weekend I experienced a rare event; a completely new form of art! In the exhibition, “The Art of the Brick,” we were treated to the genius of Nathan Sawaya, corporate lawyer turned Master Designer of Lego Sculptures. What I saw totally amazed, delighted and thrilled me. It seemed so obvious in retrospect, why […]
9 Things Positive Leaders Do (continued)

This week we continue our post from last week, exploring the 9 things positive leaders do. As an executive coach who works with high-performing, entrepreneurs who want to scale their organizations to the next level, I have seen first-hand the importance of modelling these qualities Leading Blog offers us a summary of Jon’ Gordon’s key […]
Does Your Leadership Story Need a Re-Write? Part II

Last week we looked at the ways in which leaders can develop self-awareness around their personal story. Inspired by Rosamund Stone Zander’s Pathways to Possibility, Leading Blog summarized ways in which we can shift to an adult story—one that is empowering towards who we are now. “When we are operating from the adult narrative: We […]
Does Your Leadership Story Need a Re-Write?

In my book, Step Up Now, 21 Powerful Principles for People Who Influence Others, the first principle is “Be. Know. Do.” Leaders, to be effective, must possess self-awareness. Who are you being? Over the next two weeks, I borrow from Leading Blog on this exact question. This week we explore the context and warning signs. […]