Why Connection Matters for Leaders

According to Wikipedia, connection is “a relationship in which a person, thing, or idea is linked or associated with something else.” This directly relates to a fundamental leadership skill: the ability to connect. Everything a leader does, requires connection. Vision, strategy and execution require connection. Getting things done through people requires connection. Leaders are able […]
What Makes Effective Crisis Leadership?

As the reality of the Covid-19 pandemic has turned from weeks into months, and possibly years, leaders are having to adjust their focus at breakneck pace. Many are going into survival mode—doing whatever it takes to preserve cash, keep their employees, and pausing or abandoning growth strategies that were set just a few short months ago. […]
Are You Leading and Living from “Purpose to Impact?”

The process of articulating your purpose and finding the courage to live it—what we call purpose to impact—is the single most important developmental task you can undertake as a leader.”
Intentions! Leaders Are You Ready to Set Yours?

Welcome to 2019! Leaders are you ready to set your intentions for 2019? Like most of you, I am completely swamped right now having just returned from a long vacation and now back to working with new clients so I’m re-purposing my blog from 2018 with some minor changes. The way we enter the year […]
Do you know your business “love language?”

Have you ever felt that you were misunderstood? That your intentions towards others were not having the desired effect? Have you wondered why, after so much effort, your partner may not “feel” the love you believe you are offering? If any of these questions resonate, you may have read the Five Love Languages, by Gary […]