Resilient Leadership: 5 Ways to Inoculate Yourself Against Spreading Stress

“May you live in interesting times” is a quote that has never felt more relevant than right now. While some people feel more peaceful and settled as the frenetic pace of their movement is slowed, others report that they stress as never before. It is possible to inoculate ourselves against the impact of stress. In a 2015 […]
How Well Do You Manage Your Emotional Reactions at Work?

“Why Your Emotions Can Make or Break You as a Leader and What You Can Do About It.” Because emotional reactions at work are so common and so many struggle to interpret, control, and dance around the emotional wildfires, I thought this to be an appropriate blog topic for this week. Automatic, negative responses to […]
How Clear is Your Strategic Thinking—Really?

As an executive coach and consultant to entrepreneurial Founders, CEO’s and their teams, one of the most vexing challenges I often observe with clients is a perceived lack of time for strategic thinking. According to an article by Dorie Clark in the Harvard Business Review, “In one survey of 10,000 senior leaders, 97% of them said that […]
What Gets In the Way Of Your Being Original?

I’ve been thinking a lot about being innovative, creative and original. Fortunately, I’ve recently come across a book with a truly extraordinary perspective on the topic. For life-long learners in leadership, it should be placed near the top of your “must-read” list. The book is titled “Originals: How Non-Conformists Move the World” by Adam Grant. […]
Getting Started: A Leadership Secret You Deserve To Know

Slow down to move fast. This important leadership secret underscores much of the work I do with leaders. At this hectic time of year, I thought it would be helpful to emphasize that how we start the day often determines how effective we are in our activities. It can be challenging to resist the urge […]