Do you know your business “love language?”

Have you ever felt that you were misunderstood? That your intentions towards others were not having the desired effect? Have you wondered why, after so much effort, your partner may not “feel” the love you believe you are offering? If any of these questions resonate, you may have read the Five Love Languages, by Gary […]
What’s in Your Leadership Box?

This is the last Step Up Leader Tip of 2015. As we wrap-up the year-end, and “unwrap” our gifts, I often use this time-for myself and with clients—to do some housekeeping-both mental and physical. This can include taking an inventory. Celebrate and acknowledge yourself while creating a placeholder that helps prepare for what you want […]
Getting Started: A Leadership Secret You Deserve To Know

Slow down to move fast. This important leadership secret underscores much of the work I do with leaders. At this hectic time of year, I thought it would be helpful to emphasize that how we start the day often determines how effective we are in our activities. It can be challenging to resist the urge […]
The Servant Leader: The Gift of Your Leadership

This week’s Step Up Leader post borrows from a timely post in Leading Blog. In the midst of the busy holiday season and the crush of important and urgent matters, it may be challenging to think about leadership priorities. Yet, it’s the perfect time to think of leadership as a long-term practice based in giving, […]
7 One-Minute Meditations to Silence Your Mind and Calm Your Day

This week’s Step Up Leader Tips comes from Inc. Magazine. Lolly Daskal reinforces the Step Up Foundational Principle of leaders learning to access a neutral, centered place. Leadership begins where freneticism ends. “If life’s pace is too fast and frantic, practice being mindful and meditating every day, even briefly, to unclutter your mind.” – Lolly Daskal. […]