5 Lessons Learned Walking The Camino

By guest blogger: Linda Cattelan MBA CPCC As we enter the busiest time of the year, I am sharing highlights of a guest column written by my cherished colleague Linda Cattelan, Owner of Results Catalyst in Toronto. She recently challenged herself to walk the legendary Camino Real. “I’m not sure why I felt so compelled […]
Executive Presence: What is it and Why Does it Matter?

Executive Presence matters. It’s one of the key ingredients that determines whether you rise within an organizations’ ranks-or not. We know it when we see it. But what is it, exactly? Executive Presence is a measure of image-determining whether you are “star material.” It’s authenticity; leading confidently, and being true to who you really are. […]
What’s in Your Leadership Box?

This is the last Step Up Leader Tip of 2015. As we wrap-up the year-end, and “unwrap” our gifts, I often use this time-for myself and with clients—to do some housekeeping-both mental and physical. This can include taking an inventory. Celebrate and acknowledge yourself while creating a placeholder that helps prepare for what you want […]
Living and Leading Connected

Below is a re-post of my Conscious Shift Magazine article. What does it mean to be connected as a leader? (Hint: It’s not about the Wi-Fi)! According to the dictionary, to connect is to “bring together or into contact so that a real or notional link is established.” What may be surprising is how vitally […]
A Beautiful Constraint

This week’s Step Up Leader Tip focuses on a common leadership issue; constraint. We borrow from “Leading Blog” to reinforce for our readers the power of reframe, mindset and curiosity. Typically we look at a constraint as a negative. A problem to be solved. But what if a constraint was the gift that opened up […]