Set Up for Success in 2024

Intention alone is not enough. You need MINDSET. But mindset does not exist solely in the mind.
How Clear is Your Strategic Thinking—Really?

As an executive coach and consultant to entrepreneurial Founders, CEO’s and their teams, one of the most vexing challenges I often observe with clients is a perceived lack of time for strategic thinking. According to an article by Dorie Clark in the Harvard Business Review, “In one survey of 10,000 senior leaders, 97% of them said that […]
The Inside Job of Leadership: Lessons from the Ballroom Dance Floor

As a leadership coach, I observe many parallels between ballroom dancing and leadership. First, being an effective leader is a lot like leading a dance partner in five essential ways: Inner structure, Connection, Intuition, Intention and Endurance
Intentions! Leaders Are You Ready to Set Yours?

Welcome to 2019! Leaders are you ready to set your intentions for 2019? Like most of you, I am completely swamped right now having just returned from a long vacation and now back to working with new clients so I’m re-purposing my blog from 2018 with some minor changes. The way we enter the year […]
Are You Letting Love into Your Leadership?

What’s Valentine’s Day got to teach us about leadership? A lot more than meets the eye… We know that dis-engagement is happening in record numbers in the workplace. According to a Gallup poll, the percentage of U.S. workers in 2015 who Gallup considered engaged in their jobs averaged 32%. The majority (50.8%) of employees were […]