The Inside Job of Leadership: What If Its’ Not About You?

Consider the following common scenario I have seen among clients and others; they want to change something that isn’t productive; they have an intention to change it, but find that they can’t make the change happen. They have tried everything, but can’t move past the stumbling block. This is frustrating at best, and if it continues unabated for long periods of time, it can be debilitating. People often give up.

Influential Lessons from Italy

This week I have had the privilege of traveling in Italy for a conference and taking a few days of vacation before the meeting. Although the weather was at times atypical (cold and rainy), it did not adversely affect the warm and generous spirit of the Italian people. In fact, it caused me to make some observations about leadership and influence.

Are your moods and emotions helping or hurting your influence?

Think of your moods and emotions as a wardrobe. You prefer certain colors, styles, and weights. When you enter your closet you consider the weather, season, and yes, usually your mood before selecting what it is you will wear. But how often do you consider a thoughtful selection of your mood or emotion?

Are You an Emotionally Competent Leader?

Emotionally competent leaders have the skills for observing themselves and others. They are the witness of what is required, and can get themselves to a position of “choice.”