Having doubts as a leader?

I work with leaders who often have big dreams—visionary individuals who, when they begin to work, find their ideas are often outside the mainstream of the marketplace. These individuals possess a rare combination of abilities; high degrees of creativity, tempered with equally high analytic horsepower. I am constantly amazed to watch as they go back […]
When The Going Gets Tough I…..

Recently I’ve experienced a number of tough challenges. I’ve also been hearing from friends and colleagues who’ve been voicing the same. This got me to reflect on my habits and patterns. I’ve also observed how others who receive challenging news manage to courageously embrace “what is.” Leadership is an opportunity to evolve and develop aspects […]
Executive Presence: What is it and Why Does it Matter?

Executive Presence matters. It’s one of the key ingredients that determines whether you rise within an organizations’ ranks-or not. We know it when we see it. But what is it, exactly? Executive Presence is a measure of image-determining whether you are “star material.” It’s authenticity; leading confidently, and being true to who you really are. […]
What’s in Your Leadership Box?

This is the last Step Up Leader Tip of 2015. As we wrap-up the year-end, and “unwrap” our gifts, I often use this time-for myself and with clients—to do some housekeeping-both mental and physical. This can include taking an inventory. Celebrate and acknowledge yourself while creating a placeholder that helps prepare for what you want […]
The Leadership Survival Guide to Holiday Happiness: 7 Steps To Success, Satisfaction, and Serenity

This month’s column addresses honoring yourself. What better time to develop awareness than during the most hectic time of the year—the holiday season? It’s a time when we come together in celebration, reflecting on what’s most important. While this time creates and evokes special memories, it can also be a time of increased stress. Moreover, […]