Does Your Leadership Gift Include Your Presence?

I thought long and hard about how to wrap up this final post for the year. It has been quite a year for many of us, experiencing big challenges, and also significant positive changes, sometimes all at the same time. As I reflected on what topic to choose, I return to that which has been […]
Are You “Checking The Boxes” as a Leader?

“I used to feel as if I was simply checking the boxes as a leader and now I don’t. My shift is having a big impact in how I feel and lead at work.”
When Everything You Know About Leadership is Not Enough

I often get asked, “What is the one thing that has the ability to determine our effectiveness as influencers and leaders, as well as our authentic happiness?” The answer for me is straightforward. “A Centered Presence” A leadership book or workshop that ignores this perspective is leaving out something profound.
The Inner Game of Leadership: How Well Do You Stay in the Present?

Much of what we do and how we live takes us out of the present and ricochets us into some unknown future or drags us back into the mire of the past. Other times, we simply “space out,” disconnect from where we are, who we’re with, and what we’re doing.