The Emotionally Competent Leader: Are you at peace or at war?
A leaders’ approach to conflict resolution can make life easier or tougher for their teams and organizations. Be at Peace, Not War.
A leaders’ approach to conflict resolution can make life easier or tougher for their teams and organizations. Be at Peace, Not War.
My hope is to use my experience to co-create a model leadership development curriculum to build upon what the students have learned and add my own unique expertise by delivering it personally.
Emotionally competent leaders have the skills for observing themselves and others. They are the witness of what is required, and can get themselves to a position of “choice.”
What’s your Influencer Quotient? You see people don’t care how much you know till they know how much you care.
“Step Up Now” offers an integrated process that is workplace friendly. It is truly a new model that weaves western business concerns with ancient timeless wisdom to help people who lead discover a joyful and authentic path to influencing others.
to get your free copy of Inner Switch Leadership Learning.