Is Your Leadership Blueprint Effective?

I admit to being annoyed by some new construction going up within sightline of my office window. For over two decades, I’ve enjoyed the beauty of unspoiled nature, tall trees and grasses, and an unobstructed expanse of green. All that has changed within the last few months, as two new homes are under construction. What’s […]

Why, What if, How?

What if the key to everything you needed to spark innovation, creativity, growth and results in your business was something you did naturally as a child?  I have just finished Warren Berger’s book, A More Beautiful Question.  It turns out that the tool we have hard-wired from childhood—the ability to engage in inquiry-is more powerful […]

Are You Owning it as a Leader?

The theme from Leading Blog this week captivates me: personal responsibility. I’ve worked with numerous leadership teams who are struggling to accomplish objectives and goals. Helping them get to the root of the dysfunction requires five essential ingredients; vision, alignment, trust, collaboration and accountability. When working with a team, I always begin with the leader […]

The Secret of “What If”

The following is a repost of my article for Conscious Shift Magazine. fotolia © maxximmm What gets in the way of our asking the “What If” question more often? How would we lead and live differently if we did? As human beings, we are creatures of habit. We make a lot of assumptions about how things […]

Advisor, Mentor or Coach: What’s the Difference?

I am always curious when I hear about “coaching” business. Seems these days lots of people are getting and receiving “coaching.” The problem I have is that when I inquire further as to the nature of the work they are doing, it doesn’t fit the domain of professional coaching; it’s usually more along the lines […]