The Resilient Leader: Overcoming Negativity and Regaining Influence

Most of us struggle with the repetitive patterns of negativity at one time or another. It’s important to realize that this can be changed, and that we are in charge of that choice. This simple realization is transformational for individuals, leaders, and organizations.

What If You Could Celebrate Freedom From Overwhelm?

As we celebrate Independence Day and our hard-won liberty as a free-nation, I couldn’t help but think about other freedoms that many Americans seek. I often hear from clients and others that what they would truly appreciate is freedom from overwhelm.

How Mental Meltdown Happens and What You Can Do About It.

Too many choicesHow many of us feel overwhelmed by choices? I hear it from clients and I feel it myself. There are so many choices for how to spend our most precious resources; time and money. Research has shown that in fact, there are too many choices.

Are your moods and emotions helping or hurting your influence?

Think of your moods and emotions as a wardrobe. You prefer certain colors, styles, and weights. When you enter your closet you consider the weather, season, and yes, usually your mood before selecting what it is you will wear. But how often do you consider a thoughtful selection of your mood or emotion?