How Does a Leader Find Balance?
Human beings are pre-wired for balance. Our bodies are designed to be in homeostasis; a balanced state is our birthright.
Seven Disciplines that Make Leadership Development Stick
Leadership sustainability is about the commitment to change; growth that is consistent with shifting requirements for the individual AND the organization
How Well Do You Manage Button Pushers? (And What You Can Do About It)
I often hear stories about button pushers. I have them myself. When you have an automatic, negative response to something, this often indicates a hypersensitivity that’s referred to as “getting your buttons pushed.”
Leadership Lessons from the Back of a Balinese Motor Scooter
While in Bali, I observed many things that apply to the principles of leadership including a leadership lesson learned from the back of a motor scooter!
The Secret to Accessing Your Natural Leader
We ALL hold ourselves back from our goals. Although we often achieve “results,” we are rarely satisfied. We have checked off the boxes, yet something is usually missing. If our results were obtained at the expense of a relationship, well-being and health, our course is unsustainable.