How to Un-Stick as a Leader?

Sometimes it does not feel like you are stuck when you are in action, working, ticking things off the lists every day.
Leader Alert: Do You Know Your Purpose (and what you can do about it)

Whether you are a leader with teams to support you or a leader looking for a career change, knowing your purpose or “big why” is a power tool you want to have. It is a hallmark of the resilient leader. In order to prioritize, maintain focus, set context for effective communication with others, and […]
What’s Your Leadership Response to Digital Transformation?

With all the uproar over Artificial Intelligence these last few months, many of us are thinking a lot about just what we will do around The Great Disruption. AI had the fastest adoption rate in history, going from 0 to 100 million users in two months! I confess, I have used Chat GPT in a […]
Inner Switch Leadership: What Makes Your Inner Game So Important?

Today brought an incredible real-life example to illustrate the simple, yet powerful message I aim to teach; that leadership and influence are first and foremost an inner game. Only when we are clear and fully present internally can we create and experience joy, fulfillment and results externally. The point was illustrated beautifully by a client […]
Yoga and Leadership: Leading on the Edge

My previous experience on the yoga mat got me thinking a lot about leadership. It has to do with the notion of going to your “edge” and then going beyond it. “Edge” is the metaphor for the beliefs and thoughts we have about what is possible. What’s cool about the idea of edge is that […]