Why Connection Matters for Leaders

According to Wikipedia, connection is “a relationship in which a person, thing, or idea is linked or associated with something else.” This directly relates to a fundamental leadership skill: the ability to connect. Everything a leader does, requires connection. Vision, strategy and execution require connection. Getting things done through people requires connection. Leaders are able […]
How Often Are You Leading From 30,000 Feet?

I am writing this week’s tips and tools from 30,000 feet. Literally! I find that I can often achieve inspiration and speed while in an airplane. From up above the clouds the landscape looks entirely different than when I am earthbound. I notice my perspective affords me a feeling of timelessness. I am in a […]
Are you willing to go to your edge? How Yogic Principles Can Transform Your Leadership

Many of you are familiar with yoga as a discipline. What you may be less familiar with is that yoga is a profound teaching tool for the art of leadership. As a coach who helps entrepreneurial leaders and their teams break through barriers for extraordinary professional and personal results, I want to share a leadership […]
What Mindfulness Is — And Isn’t

This week’s Step Up Leader Tip borrows from a recent article by from Daniel Goleman, well-known thought leader and author in the field of Emotional Intelligence. What Mindfulness Is – And Isn’t. One of the foundational principles of Step Up Leadership is a strong, centered presence. Clients have demonstrated to me and themselves how this […]
Leadership Lessons from the Olympics

I admit to being hooked on the Olympics. The four year global experience is one of my favorites, especially the winter games. Is anyone else suffering from Olympic fatigue like I am? Tired from staying up way too late to watch the nightly Olympic prime time line-up? (I don’t watch the Internet updates during the […]