Leadership Impact: Where it Comes From

This week’s Step Up Leader tips come from Leading Blog. We appreciate how others in the field of leadership are writing about the importance of Leadership Impact – leading from the core. This is a cornerstone principle of the Step Up Leader process. Clients discover that creating influence and effectiveness begin with this subtle yet […]
Identifying and Dealing with Paradoxes

This week’s tip comes from Leading Blog. It is resonant with the principles and practices of Step Up Leadership: curiosity, receptivity and deep listening. There are problems and there are paradoxes. The trouble is when we treat paradoxes as problems because then our decision making process becomes paralyzed, inflexible, incomplete, isolated and closed. Paradoxes are […]
Is Your Leadership Consciously Fit?

The theme for this month is Conscious Fitness. This is critical for leaders because energy, stamina, drive and the capacity to execute depend upon physical, emotional and mental fitness. What does it mean for a leader to be consciously fit? I believe in the core of Eastern philosophy; what is in the microcosm is in […]
Gratitude as a Leadership Practice

This week I had an opportunity to reflect about gratitude, both for my clients and for myself. It was not an exceptional week, except for one thing; every single client took the time to acknowledge the positive impact our coaching work was having on them, professionally and personally. I didn’t expect this, but am tremendously […]
Are You Conscious of What You Are Practicing as a Leader?

Aristotle said “We are what we repeatedly do.” As a leadership coach, I am always curious about what my clients are practicing. The challenge is to realize that although we have all been practicing something, some of those “practices” aren’t getting the results we are looking for now. Consider James. When we began working together, […]