Are you following the 4 rules for getting valuable work done?

This week’s Step Up Tips focuses on an area of leadership that many find challenging: how to do deep work in the face of overwhelming demands on our time. We borrow from Leading Blog, in which the book by Cal Newport, Deep Work is highlighted. “The ability to perform deep work is becoming increasingly rare […]
How to stop chasing your tail: a truthful tale of leadership discovery

This week’s “Step Up” Tip focuses on a pervasive problem many leaders face: the proverbial “tail-chasing” syndrome. The “Chasing Your Tail” Situation In this story, our character, Brian, is clear about what he wants. He is reeling from being out of balance, working harder and longer, yet unable to complete things without a struggle to […]
Leadership Spring Cleaning: Getting Your House in Order for Productivity.

In honor of the beginning of spring, for the next two weeks Step Up Tips will offer information to help you increase your leadership productivity—using effective tools to change habits. Take my new client Linda. She recently came to me with two big goals for our work together; one is helping her create a productivity […]
Practice Makes Perfect: The Art of Envisioning Outcomes as a Leader

This week’s Step Up Leader Tips offers my observations on an important leadership tool; practice. This week there were three client examples reminding me to share! You may be wondering “when on earth am I supposed to practice anything? —and that is exactly the thinking that I want to challenge. What I’ve observed in coaching […]
A Heartfelt Look at Leadership

February’s theme takes a heartfelt look at leadership in honor of Valentine’s Day. Based on the work of Lance Secretan, Ph.D, an author of 14 books, speaker, and consultant to clients who are among Fortune’s 30 Most Admired Companies in America, we explore the most essential element of effective leadership. He believes it is inspiration, […]