Are You Practicing Response-able Leadership?

What if responsibility were defined as the ability to respond freely? Response-ability: the ability to choose without reactivity? A leader who is constantly in reaction loses the ability to choose. How does that impact your communication, relationships, and effectiveness?
Leadership Lessons from the Back of a Balinese Motor Scooter

While in Bali, I observed many things that apply to the principles of leadership including a leadership lesson learned from the back of a motor scooter!
What Can Leaders Learn About Practice from Bali?

My recent trip to Bali left a lasting impression in many ways. This column addresses practice, and its impact on culture, life and engagement.
What can Western leaders learn from the Balinese?

Welcome to the dog days of summer. My intention is for this newsletter to offer you refuge from the heat as well as solace for your inner leader. As the last vestiges of my jet lag depart, I invite you to join me in learning what leadership looks like in Bali…. I just returned from […]
Leaders who Label May Harm their Effectiveness

Think about how many times a day you get caught up in labeling. We endlessly label our experiences (and sometimes those of others), we label our feelings, moods and thoughts as positive/negative, good/bad, strong/weak, etc. Our brains benefit from our ability to categorize and label; it is a way of accessing the huge amounts of data stored there.