What is mindful leadership and why does it matter?

Reposted from my Conscious Shift Magazine article. Our theme this month is mindful leadership. What is it exactly and why should you care about it as a leader. Mindfulness seems to be everywhere. Books, articles, and videos tout the benefits of mindfulness. Although the topic is “hot”; attaining it seems elusive for many people. We are […]
What Walking a Labyrinth can Teach us About Leadership

The labyrinth is a unique and absorbing invention. They have been used for thousands of years throughout the world, in different cultures and religions. The simple act of walking a labyrinth can shift ordinary linear perception because they are designed along curving circuits. Usually the walker can see the center, yet because there are many […]
7 One-Minute Meditations to Silence Your Mind and Calm Your Day

This week’s Step Up Leader Tips comes from Inc. Magazine. Lolly Daskal reinforces the Step Up Foundational Principle of leaders learning to access a neutral, centered place. Leadership begins where freneticism ends. “If life’s pace is too fast and frantic, practice being mindful and meditating every day, even briefly, to unclutter your mind.” – Lolly Daskal. […]
Does Your Leadership Explore What’s Possible?

How often do we bring an empowering mindset to the challenges before us? It’s so easy to stay within our comfort zone and maintain our habits; both in belief and in action. Habits are a way to simplify the complexity of what we process each day. Remember how much concentration it took to first learn […]
Is Your Leadership As Effective As It Could Be? The Missing Piece

“Be the change you want to see in the world.” This famous quote by Mahatma Ghandi summarizes this month’s focus on transformation for leaders. This is admittedly one of my favorite leadership topics. Why? Because when a leader has impact, transformation occurs, and when transformation occurs, a leader has impact. What gets in the way […]