Is Your Leader Like Curious George?
Remember Curious George from the childhood book? Always curious and getting himself into one adventure after another because of his intense curiosity. Curious George took curiosity to an extreme. Yet, he inspires me to think about how curiosity is a necessary and often underrated leadership quality.
The Secret to Accessing Your Natural Leader
We ALL hold ourselves back from our goals. Although we often achieve “results,” we are rarely satisfied. We have checked off the boxes, yet something is usually missing. If our results were obtained at the expense of a relationship, well-being and health, our course is unsustainable.
How Would an Exodus From Your Mindset Be Liberating?
Mindset, mood and emotion are inextricably linked. Together they often keep us locked in behaviors that don’t produce our desired results.
Change Your Mood and Emotions; Change the Way You Influence!
It is no secret that many people have difficulty managing their moods and emotions in every day life. Frustrations grow, resentment deepens, and people sometimes explode. What happens when this spills over to the workplace?
When Everything You Know About Leadership is Not Enough
I often get asked, “What is the one thing that has the ability to determine our effectiveness as influencers and leaders, as well as our authentic happiness?” The answer for me is straightforward. “A Centered Presence” A leadership book or workshop that ignores this perspective is leaving out something profound.