Do You Exhibit the 10 Leadership Behaviors of a Powerful Culture?

In the work I do with entrepreneurial leaders and teams, the lack of trust often surfaces as a challenge. Founders often struggle with how to trust as their organizations grow and take on new hires. The culture shifts; decisions can no longer be made by one or two people. Companies in rapid-fire growth do not […]
The Servant Leader: The Gift of Your Leadership

This week’s Step Up Leader post borrows from a timely post in Leading Blog. In the midst of the busy holiday season and the crush of important and urgent matters, it may be challenging to think about leadership priorities. Yet, it’s the perfect time to think of leadership as a long-term practice based in giving, […]
Does Your Leadership Make Connection a Cultural Priority?

Connection is a hot leadership topic for me this month. I’ve been exploring the impact of connection on how and why work gets done. There is a strong link between effective connection and results. In my work with leaders and teams, I have observed a range of cultures in which connection is present; I have […]